New Service Connection


1. The SFWD allowed the New Service Connection Applicant to pay the Basic Installation Fee in installment basis;

2. Hereunder is the BIF Components:

Service Maintenance Fee(cost of materials, excavation and tapping fees, water meter maintenance, replacement of meter stand, and other maintenance activity needed for water connection)4, 900.00
Customer’s Deposit (Residential)300.00
Registration Fee100.00

3. Hereunder is the new down payment for the BIF loan

Service Maintenance Fee2,000.00
Customer’s Deposit (Residential)300.00
Registration Fee100.00

4. The Installments Scheme are as follows:

  • The water service connection applicant will be allowed for only 3 months installation basis on the BIF;
  • A Php100.00 service charge will be added on the existing BIF plus the Customer’s Deposit
  • The remaining balance of the BIF shall be divided into three and be paid monthly for the period of 3 months plus the customer’s monthly consumption/bill;

Customer’s Deposit
ResidentialP 300.00
Commercial CP 400.00
Commercial BP 500.00
Commercial AP 600.00
Commercial / IndustrialP 700.00

NOTE: The Customer’s Deposit cannot be utilized to pay your bill. This will only determine if said account is subject for disconnection.